1,2 Home Loan

Introducing the 1, 2 home loan: 1% less for 2 years.

✓ 1% lower rate for the first two years
✓ 100% mortgage offset account
✓ Free redraw

5.89 % pa Interest rate 6.72 % pa Comparison rate

Owner occupied, P&I, LVR <60%

Mutual Home Loan

The Mutual Home Loan is a flexible loan suitable for owner occupiers and investors with no on-going fees.

✓ 100% mortgage offset account
✓ Free redraw
✓ $0 Annual fee

6.89 % pa Interest rate 6.92 % pa Comparison rate

Owner occupied, P&I, LVR <60%

Affinity Home Loan

The Affinity Home Loan package has features that help you to pay off your loan sooner and minimise interest charges.

✓ Offset account available
✓ Free redraw
✓ $0 Establisment fee

7.16 % pa Interest rate 7.41 % pa Comparison rate

Owner occupied, P&I, LVR <80%