Senior Savers Account

The Senior Savers account is for members who are 55 years+, holders of a Seniors Card or recipients of an eligible pension. The account provides access facilities including direct credit of your Centrelink payments and other income, ATM/EFTPOS access through a Visa Debit Card, the convenience of Internet, BPAY and Direct Debits payments. Interest is paid quarterly.

Earn up to  1.40% pa

Superfund Maximiser Account

A Self Managed Superfund (SMSF) Savings account is an account for those who want to manage their own superannuation retirement savings and investments. As a SMSF is a trust, a trust deed must be established. Generally your accountant or financial planner will take you through this process, including the operation and regulations that are applicable.

✓ Attractive interest rate
✓ Interest calculated daily and paid monthly
✓ Easy and convenient access by internet/telephone

Earn up to  3.95% pa