

Member application form


How many applicants? {howManyApplicants1}


Personal Details Applicant One

Title {title1}
First Name: {firstName1}
Other Name: {otherName1}
Surname: {surname1}
Date of Birth {dateofBirth1}
Home Phone: {homePhone1}
Work Phone: {workPhone1}
Mobile: {mobile1}
Email Address: {emailAddress1}
Your current residential address (no PO Boxes) {yourCurrentResidentialAddressNoPOBoxes1}
Is your postal address the same as your current address: {isYourPostalAddressTheSameAsYourCurrentAddress1}
Postal Address {postalAddress1}


Personal Details Applicant Two

Title {title2}
First Name: {firstName2}
Other Name: {otherName2}
Surname: {lastName2}
Date of Birth {dateOfBirth2}
Home Phone: {homePhone2}
Work Phone: {workPhone2}
Mobile: {mobile2}
Email Address: {email2}
Your current residential address (no PO Boxes) {yourCurrentResidentialAddress2}
Is your postal address the same as your current address: {isYourPostalAddressTheSameAsYourCurrentAddress2}
Postal Address {postalAddress2}


Tax Information Applicant One

Tax File Number: {taxFileNumber1}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen1}
Where do you have your citizenship? {whereDoYouHaveYourCitizenship1}
Do you have Australian residency? {doYouHaveAustralianResidency1}
I certify that (please select one answer only): {iCertifyThatPleaseSelectOneAnswerOnly1}
Please specify country: {pleaseSpecifyCountry1}
Do you have your Country Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for the above country? {doYouHaveYourCountryTaxpayerIdentificationNumberTINForTheAboveCountryStar1}
Country Taxpayer Identification (TIN): {countryTaxpayerIdentificationTIN1}
The TIN is the taxpayer identification number used in the relevant country. If you do not have a TIN for a country you are a tax resident of please explain why, being either (A) the country does not issue TINs to residents or (B) other reason why you do not have a TIN (with explanation): {countryReasonAOrBExplanationForB1}
Please choose alpha and/or numeric Passcode: {pleaseChooseAlphaAndorNumeric1}


Tax Information Applicant Two

Tax File Number: {taxFileNumber2}
Are you an Australian citizen? {areYouAnAustralianCitizen2}
Where do you have your citizenship? {whereDoYouHaveYourCitizenship2}
Do you have Australian residency? {doYouHaveAustralianResidency2}
I certify that (please select one answer only): {iCertifyThatPleaseSelectOneAnswerOnly2}
Please specify country: {pleaseSpecifyCountry2}
Do you have your Country Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for the above country? {doYouHaveYourCountryTaxpayerIdentificationNumberTINForTheAboveCountry2}
Country Taxpayer Identification (TIN): {countryTaxpayerIdentificationNumberTIN2}
The TIN is the taxpayer identification number used in the relevant country. If you do not have a TIN for a country you are a tax resident of please explain why, being either (A) the country does not issue TINs to residents or (B) other reason why you do not have a TIN (with explanation): {theTINIsTheTaxpayerIdentificationNumberUsedInTheRelevantCountry}
Please choose alpha and/or numeric Passcode: {pleaseChooseAlphaAndorNumeric2}


Applicant One Accounts

What accounts would you like? {whatAccountsWouldYouLike1}
Would you like any of the following Access Facilities? {wouldYouLikeAnyOfTheFollowingAccessFacilities1}
Would you like to receive eStatements? {wouldYouLikeToReceiveEStatements11}
Optional Services {optionalServices1}


Applicant Two Accounts

What accounts would you like? {whatAccountsWouldYouLike21}
Would you like any of the following Access Facilities? {wouldYouLikeAnyOfTheFollowingAccessFacilities2}
Would you like to receive eStatements? {wouldYouLikeToReceiveEStatements2}
Optional Services {iWishToReceiveMarketingCommunications}

Savings account application


Number of Applicants: [numberOfApplicants}


Applicant One

Are you a member of Geelong Bank? {areYouAMemberOfGeelongBank1}
What is your member number {whatIsYourMemberNumber1}
Applicant 1 Title {applicant1Title}
First Name {firstName1}
Middle Name {middleName1}
Last Name {lastName1}
Primary Contact Number {primaryContactNumber1}
Email Address {emailAddress1}
Date of Birth: {dateOfBirth1}
Current Address: {currentAddress1}
Is your postal address the same as your current address? {isYourPostalAddressTheSameAsYourCurrentAddress1}
Postal Address: {postalAddress1}


Applicant two

Are you a member of Geelong Bank? {areYouAMember2}
What is your member number {whatIsYourMemberNumber2}
Applicant 1 Title {title2}
First Name {firstName2}
Middle Name {middleName2}
Last Name {lastName2}
Primary Contact Number {primaryContactNumber2}
Email Address {emailAddress2}
Date of Birth: {dateOfBirth2}
Current Address: {currentAddress2}
Is your postal address the same as your current address? {isYourPostalAddressTheSameAsYourCurrentAddress2}
Postal Address: {postalAddress2}


Savings Account Details

Select savings or transaction account required: {selectSavingsOrTransactionAccountRequired}
How would you like to operate the account? {howWouldYouLikeToOperateTheAccount1}
Please specify other method: {pleaseSpecifyOtherMethod}



I have read and understood the above Conditions of Use - Applicant 1 {iHaveReadAndUnderstoodTheAboveConditionsOfUse1}
I have read and understood the above Conditions of Use - Applicant 2 {iHaveReadAndUnderstoodTheAboveConditionsOfUse2}