Following the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) decision to cut the cash rate by 0.25%, Geelong Bank will reduce variable home interest rates for existing borrowers by 0.25% per annum (p.a.) from 7 March 2025.
{xxxx} | |
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Applicant 1 personal details
Are you a Geelong Bank member? | {areYouAGeelongBankMember1} |
Member number | {memberNumber1} |
Title | {title1} |
First name | {firstName1} |
Middle name | {middleName1} |
Last name | {lastName1} |
Mobile number | {mobileNumber1} |
Email address | {emailAddress1} |
Applicant 2 personal details
Are you a Geelong Bank member? | {areYouAGeelongBankMember2} |
Member number | {memberNumber2} |
Title | {title2} |
First name | {firstName2} |
Middle name | {middleName2} |
Last name | {lastName2} |
Mobile number | {mobileNumber2} |
Email address | {emailAddress2} |
Loan details
Loan type | {loanType} |
Home Loan details | |
Do you plan on living in the Property? | {livingInTheProperty} |
Do you have a particular property you want to purchase? | {doYouHaveAParticularPropertyYouWantToPurchase} |
Amount required? | {amountRequired} |
Personal Loan details | |
Purpose of personal loan | {purposeOfPersonalLoan} |
Amount required for personal loan? | {amountRequiredForPersonalLoan} |
Car Loan details | |
Purpose of car loan | {purposeOfCarLoan} |
Amount required for car loan? | {amountRequiredForCarLoan} |
Applicant 1 personal details continued
Date of birth | {dateOfBirth1} |
Marital status | {maritalStatus1} |
Number of dependent children | {numberOfDependentChildren1} |
Age of dependent children? | {ageOfDependentChildren1} |
Current residential status | {currentResidentialStatus1} |
Do you have a drivers licence? | {doYouHaveADriversLicence1} |
Drivers licence state | {driversLicenceState1} |
Drivers licence number | {driversLicenceNumber1} |
Drivers licence card number | {driversLicenceCardNumber1} |
Drivers licence expiry | {driversLicenceExpiry1} |
Current address | |
Street no. & name | {streetNoName1} |
Suburb | {suburb1} |
State | {state1} |
Postcode | {postcode1} |
Number of years at current address | {numberOfYearsAtCurrentAddress1} |
Is your postal address the same as your current address? | {isYourPostalAddressTheSameAsYourCurrentAddress1} |
Previous address | |
Previous Street no. & name | {previousStreetNoName1} |
Previous suburb | {previousSuburb1} |
Previous state | {previousState1} |
Previous postcode | {previousPostcode1} |
Employment details | |
Employment status | {employmentStatus1} |
Occupation | {occupation1} |
Employer / business name | {employerBusinessName1} |
Employer address | {employerAddress1} |
Years of employment | {yearsOfEmployment1} |
Income details | |
Monthly gross income from main employment | {monthlyGrossIncomeFromMainEmployment1} |
Monthly rental income | {monthlyRentalIncome1} |
Monthly Benefits / Rebates / Child maintenance | {monthlyBenefitsRebatesChildMaintenance1} |
Any other monthly income | {anyOtherMonthlyIncome1} |
Applicant 2 personal details continued
Date of birth | {dateOfBirth2} |
Marital status | {maritalStatus2} |
Number of dependent children | {numberOfDependentChildren2} |
Age of dependent children? | {ageOfDependentChildren2} |
Current residential status | {currentResidentialStatus2} |
Do you have a drivers licence? | {doYouHaveADriversLicence2} |
Drivers licence state | {driversLicenceState2} |
Drivers licence number | {driversLicenceNumber2} |
Drivers licence card number | {driversLicenceCardNumber2} |
Drivers licence expiry | {driversLicenceExpiry2} |
Do you have the same address details as applicant 1? | {doYouHaveTheSameAddressDetailsAsApplicant1} |
Current address | |
Street no. & name | {streetNoName2} |
Suburb | {suburb2} |
State | {state1} |
Postcode | {postcode2} |
Number of years at current address | {numberOfYearsAtCurrentAddress2} |
Is your postal address the same as your current address? | {isYourPostalAddressTheSameAsYourCurrentAddress2} |
Previous address | |
Previous Street no. & name | {previousStreetNoName2} |
Previous suburb | {previousSuburb2} |
Previous state | {previousState2} |
Previous postcode | {previousPostcode2} |
Employment details | |
Employment status | {employmentStatus2} |
Occupation | {occupation2} |
Employer / business name | {employerBusinessName2} |
Employer address | {employerAddress2} |
Years of employment | {yearsOfEmployment2} |
Income details | |
Monthly gross income from main employment | {monthlyGrossIncomeFromMainEmployment2} |
Monthly rental income | {monthlyRentalIncome2} |
Monthly Benefits / Rebates / Child maintenance | {monthlyBenefitsRebatesChildMaintenance2} |
Any other monthly income | {anyOtherMonthlyIncome2} |
Tell us about the things you own
Do you have any of the following? | {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing1} |
Property | |
Property 1 | |
Property address | {propertyAddress1} |
Value | {value1} |
Add another Property? | {addAnotherProperty1} |
Property 2 | |
Property address | {propertyAddress2} |
Value | {value2} |
Add another Property? | {addAnotherProperty2} |
Property 3 | |
Property address | {propertyAddress3} |
Value | {value3} |
Vehicle | |
Vehicle 1 | |
Make & model | {makeModel1} |
Vehicle year | {vehicleYear1} |
Vehicle value | {vehicleValue1} |
Add another Vehicle? | {addAnotherVehicle1} |
Vehicle 2 | |
Make & model | {makeModel2} |
Vehicle year | {vehicleYear2} |
Vehicle value | {vehicleValue2} |
Add another Vehicle? | {addAnotherVehicle2} |
Vehicle 3 | |
Make & model | {makeModel3} |
Vehicle year | {vehicleYear3} |
Vehicle value | {vehicleValue3} |
Savings | |
Savings 1 | |
Financial institution: | {financialInstitution1} |
Savings balance | {savingsBalance1} |
Add another Savings account? | {addAnotherSavingsAccount1} |
Savings 2 | |
Financial institution: | {financialInstitution2} |
Savings balance | {savingsBalance2} |
Add another Savings account? | {addAnotherSavingsAccount2} |
Savings 3 | |
Financial institution: | {financialInstitution3} |
Savings balance | {savingsBalance3} |
Add another Savings account? | {addAnotherSavingsAccount3} |
Savings 4 | |
Financial institution: | {financialInstitution4} |
Savings balance | {savingsBalance4} |
Add another Savings account? | {addAnotherSavingsAccount4} |
Savings 5 | |
Financial institution: | {financialInstitution5} |
Savings balance | {savingsBalance5} |
Shares | |
Please enter the value of your Shares: | {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourShares} |
Other | |
Other 1 | |
Other details | {otherDetails1} |
Other value | {otherValue1} |
Add another? | {addAnother1} |
Other 2 | |
Other details | {otherDetails2} |
Other value | {otherValue2} |
Add another? | {addAnother2} |
Other 3 | |
Other details | {otherDetails3} |
Other value | {otherValue3} |
Tell us about what you owe
Do you have any of the following? | {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing2} |
Mortgage | |
Mortgage 1 | |
Financial institution of mortgage | {financialInstitutionOfMortgage1} |
Mortgage repayment per month | {mortgageRepaymentPerMonth1} |
Mortgage balance | {mortgageBalance1} |
Add another Mortgage? | {addAnotherMortgage1} |
Mortgage 2 | |
Financial institution of mortgage | {financialInstitutionOfMortgage2} |
Mortgage repayment per month | {mortgageRepaymentPerMonth2} |
Mortgage balance | {mortgageBalance2} |
Add another Mortgage? | {addAnotherMortgage2} |
Mortgage 3 | |
Financial institution of mortgage | {financialInstitutionOfMortgage3} |
Mortgage repayment per month | {mortgageRepaymentPerMonth3} |
Mortgage balance | {mortgageBalance3} |
Rent/Board | |
Rent/Board 1 | |
Real Estate / Landlord: | {realEstateLandlord1} |
Amount per month | {rentPerMonth1} |
Add another Rent / Board? | {addAnotherRentBoard1} |
Rent/Board 2 | |
Real Estate / Landlord: | {realEstateLandlord2} |
Rent per month | {rentPerMonth2} |
Personal loan | |
Personal loan 1 | |
Personal loan financial institution | {personalLoanFinancialInstitution1} |
Personal loan repayment per month | {personalLoanRepaymentPerMonth1} |
Personal loan balance | {personalLoanBalance1} |
Add another Personal Loan? | {addAnotherPersonalLoan1} |
Personal loan 2 | |
Personal loan financial institution | {personalLoanFinancialInstitution2} |
Personal loan repayment per month | {personalLoanRepaymentPerMonth2} |
Personal loan balance | {personalLoanBalance2} |
Add another Personal Loan? | {addAnotherPersonalLoan2} |
Personal loan 3 | |
Personal loan financial institution | {personalLoanFinancialInstitution3} |
Personal loan repayment per month | {personalLoanRepaymentPerMonth3} |
Personal loan balance | {personalLoanBalance3} |
Novated Car Lease | |
Novated Car Lease financial institution | {novatedCarLeaseFinancialInstitution} |
Novated Car Lease repayment per month | {novatedCarLeaseRepaymentPerMonth} |
Novated Car Lease balance | {novatedCarLeaseBalance} |
Credit / Store card | |
Credit / Store card 1 | |
Credit / Store card financial institution | {creditStoreCardFinancialInstitution1} |
Credit / Store card balance | {creditStoreCardBalance1} |
Credit / Store card limit | {creditStoreCardLimit1} |
Add another Credit / Store card? | {addAnotherCreditStoreCard1} |
Credit / Store card 2 | |
Credit / Store card financial institution | {creditStoreCardFinancialInstitution2} |
Credit / Store card balance | {creditStoreCardBalance2} |
Credit / Store card limit | {creditStoreCardLimit2} |
Add another Credit / Store card? | {addAnotherCreditStoreCard2} |
Credit / Store card 3 | |
Credit / Store card financial institution | {creditStoreCardFinancialInstitution3} |
Credit / Store card balance | {creditStoreCardBalance3} |
Credit / Store card limit | {creditStoreCardLimit3} |
Help/Hecs Debt | |
Please enter your outstanding debt balance: | {pleaseEnterYourOutstandingDebtBalance} |
Child Support | |
Child support you pay per month | {childSupportYouPayPerMonth} |
Other owe | |
Other owe 1 | |
Other description | {otherDescription4} |
Other repayments per month | {otherRepaymentsPerMonth4} |
Other balance | {otherBalance4} |
Add another? | {addAnother4} |
Other owe 2 | |
Other description | {otherDescription5} |
Other repayments per month | {otherRepaymentsPerMonth5} |
Other balance | {otherBalance5} |
Add another? | {addAnother5} |
Other owe 3 | |
Other description | {otherDescription6} |
Other repayments per month | {otherRepaymentsPerMonth6} |
Other balance | {otherBalance6} |
Final page
Communication Preferences | |
How would you like to receive documents? | {howWouldYouLikeToReceiveDocuments} |
Acknowledgement Applicant 1 | |
In the event of my accepting an offer of a loan from Geelong Bank, I understand that I will become a member of Geelong Bank once acceptable identification is provided and verified and the $10 share is paid. | {iAccept1} |
Acknowledgement Applicant 2 | |
In the event of my accepting an offer of a loan from Geelong Bank, I understand that I will become a member of Geelong Bank once acceptable identification is provided and verified and the $10 share is paid. | {iAccept2} |
Declaration Applicant 1 | |
I declare that I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained above. | {iDeclareThatIHaveReadAndAgreeToBeBoundByTheTermsAndConditionsContainedAbove1} |
Declaration Applicant 2 | |
I declare that I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained above | {iDeclareThatIHaveReadAndAgreeToBeBoundByTheTermsAndConditionsContainedAbove2} |