With the changed health requirements in Victoria to manage COVID-19, we are making changes to the entry procedures at our Geelong office to ensure we continue to protect the health and well-being of our members and team.   

Office entry procedures

There are no changes to our office operating hours:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 9am to 5pm
  • Tuesday 10am to 5pm

It is now mandatory for all businesses to have the Victorian QR code service. This service helps contact tracers in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.

To support contact tracing, all persons entering our building must scan the QR code and register.

A manual check-in sheet is available for people who do not own a smart phone or if their phone is not capable of capturing the QR code.

Face masks will need to be worn in our office, unless an exemption applies.  The face mask requirement applies to everyone aged 12 years and older.  We may ask you to remove your face covering briefly to help us verify your identity.

Staying safe within our office

We are limiting entry and exit to our office via the main front contactless sliding doors.  Once inside, please follow these simple hygiene steps:

  1. Stay 1.5m apart from our members and staff. Please observe the distance markings on the floor and do not put bags or personal items on the member service counter.
  2. Use the hand sanitiser just inside the door and throughout the office prior to interaction with our staff.
  3. Please cough and sneeze into your elbow.

Please stay home if you’re sick in any way and wait until you’re well again before visiting our office.

If you have recently had a COVID-19 test, please wait until you’ve received a negative result before visiting our office.

Banking from home and self–serve options

If you have recently been impacted by or are showing symptoms of the COVID-19 virus or require a lengthy consultation, for example, insurance quotes and loan enquiries, our Member Service Officers or Lending Consultants, will assist you remotely:

  • Contact us on 1300 361 555  9am to 5pm Monday, Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm Tuesday
  • Email info@geelongbank.com.au
  • Internet Banking and Mobile App – free from the App Store or Google play.
  • Say “Hi” to Mia, our virtual assistant, on our website at www.geelongbank.com.au  Mia is able to answer many banking questions and will refer you to one of our experienced team members for more complex enquiries.
  • 24 / 7 Phone Banking.
  • Pay Wave, Apple and Google Pay.
  • Visa Debit Card for cash at ATMs and purchasing goods and services.

Our friendly Member Service Officers will continue to contact members that have preferred face to face banking to discuss their needs and to suggest alternatives.

We will continue to keep you updated with information on our Geelong Bank website, Facebook, Instagram and Linked In pages, and Electronic Direct Mail.  We will also send SMS for brief updates.

We’re here to help

Since March 2020 my team and I have remained committed to supporting our members through the ongoing challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.  We sincerely appreciate your willingness to adapt to new ways of interacting with us and your patience as we assist more and more members remotely.

Lockdown can be tough for many people, if you need someone to talk to, please call:

  • Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732
  • MensLine Australia 1300 789 978

Thank you for your membership of Geelong Bank. Stay safe and our very best wishes to you, your family and friends.

Vivien Allen

Chief Executive Officer