Best Life Home Loan

Best Life Home Loan# offers a two year fixed rate special. For new owner occupier borrowers looking to borrow over $300,000. Packed full of features including internet banking access, split loan options and flexible payment options^.

✓ 100$ offset account available
✓ Free redraw
✓ $0 on-going fees

7.16 % pa Interest rate 7.41 % pa Comparison rate

Product Features:

Credit Card Features
Interest Free Days : 55
Annual Fee : $49
Late Payment Fee : $25
Minimum Credit Limit : $1,000
Minimum Repayments Percentage : 3%
Exceed Credit Limit Fee : $40
Purchase Interest Rate : 11.99% pa
Cash Advance Interest Rate : 11.99% pa
Balance Transfer Rate : 4.99% pa
Balance Transfer Rate Term : 6 months
LVR Tiers Interest Rate Comparison Rate
Owner Occupied - P&I LVR <60%
Owner Occupied - P&I LVR <70%    
Owner Occupied - P&I LVR <80%    
Owner Occupied - P&I LVR >80% to <90%    
Owner Occupied - IO LVR <60%    
Owner Occupied - IO LVR <70%    
Owner Occupied - IO LVR <80%    
Owner Occupied - IO LVR >80% to <90%    
Fees Amount
Establishment Fee: $300
Valuation fees: $0
Annual Fee: $0
Monthly Fee: $0


Read our most frequently asked questions below or view all our Home Loan FAQs.

By opening a Geelong Bank Mortgage Offset Account and linking this account to your Geelong Bank Home Loan, you can use your savings to help reduce the amount of interest payable on your home loan. The balance of your Mortgage Offset Account is 100% offset against your loan balance when interest is calculated.

Here’s an example of how it works;

Geelong Bank Home Loan balance: $100,000

Geelong Bank Mortgage Offset Account balance: $ 10,000

Loan interest calculated on: $ 90,000 (home loan balance less offset account balance)

As you can see, having an Offset Account reduces the amount of interest you pay. Your savings in the Mortgage Offset Account are accessible through Phone and Internet Banking.

If you are using the loan for investment purposes, an offset account can be a better option to using a redraw facility. An investor can reduce their loan’s tax deductibility if an amount is redrawn from the loan that isn’t for investment purposes. If your loan is for investment purposes, talk to a tax adviser to work out which option is best for you.

Please Note: The minimum transaction on the Mortgage Offset account is $250.

Our preferred method is via automatic payroll deduction. However, you can arrange to make your loan repayments by direct debit from your savings or transaction account with Geelong Bank or another financial institution.

Geelong Bank gives you the option of making extra repayments on your loan and then having the flexibility of being able to redraw on these extra repayments.


Documents & Forms

Target Market Determination

Owner Occupied - Principle & Interest

Target Market Determination

Owner Occupied - Interest Only

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